My objective of creating this blog page is to deliver knowledge and information about Archery Club UUM. The reason is that Archery sport does give me a lot of benefit which directly and indirectly improve my personal in both physical and mental.Name : Tang Wei ChunMatrix No. : 213058Courses : Bachelor of International Business Management - (Semester 5)DOB : 30/05/1990 - 23 years oldCollege : College of Law, Government and International Studies(COLGIS)Residential : 9F 218, DPP MISC, UUM, Sintok, Kedah Darul AmanContact : +6017-5001015
People believe Archery would boost their focus in doing things and in my experience, it does work. The great is it also improve our patience and even self-confident where it will then improve my life in UUM in many aspect and one of the most important is my academic result (CGPA), and this will then indirectly improve my future life.
As the President of the Arcehry Club UUM, this blog will aim to provide information about Archery which will not restricted in knowledge but will be more informative and technical, the detail will provided will be as follow:
- My Biodata
- About Archery Club Universiti Utara Malaysia
- The Important Event for Archery Club UUM
- About Field Archery
- Component of Archery Bow